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Digital Receipts

Digital Receipts are growing in popularity across many retail outlets which allow the retailer to send a digital copy of the receipt to a customer.

The ability to send a digital receipt to a customer is extremely beneficial for retailers that sell goods which come with a warranty or guarantee for a set period of time.

If the customer has any problems with their purchased goods in the warranty period, they can come back to the store with their original purchase receipt for a warranty claim.

Given the nature of thermal receipts being printed on thermal paper, they are prone to fading over time or when they're exposed to sources of heat.

This can render receipts void and invalid due to becoming unreadable and faded within the warranty period.

To work around this issue, customers are typically advised to make a photocopy of their receipt for warranty purposes.

When the ability to send a digital copy of the receipt to the customer exists, the necessity for photocopying the receipt becomes a thing of the past.

In addition to this, retailers can elect to only send receipts digitally and if the customer requires, a physical paper receipt can be printed, saving money on thermal receipt rolls and the environment.


Idealpos offers Digital Receipts via either Idealpos Online or via Slyp:


Digital Receipts via Idealpos Online

Configure Digital Receipts

Send Digital Receipts

Digital Receipts via Slyp

Configure Idealpos for Slyp

Sending Digital Receipts Using Slyp